Urban Jungle with BERLIN GREEN

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Selling price €19,99 Normal price

Plant care & interior design


Ficus, ferns and window leaves - green plants have become an integral part of most homes. While our lives are becoming increasingly technical - and hectic - an urban jungle provides the perfect counterpoint in our homes. The result of our plant care: beneficial in many ways. The flourishing greenery shows us how our actions are paying off. As a further reward, the bright or lush green, the small or large leaves enchant our rooms like hearts with purified air, vitality and peace.


Whether on the windowsill, in the bathroom or throughout the entire home - how about a breath of (fresh) green air? A look at this e-book will bring you a little closer to a stylish oasis of well-being. Here you will learn important facts about the basic needs of most houseplants and get a feel for the adjustments you can make to make them feel at home. You will also learn how to literally show your green friends in the best light.


When focusing on the topic of light, we look at the lighting conditions in a sample room. This will enable you to determine for yourself which plants have good growth prospects in both bright and shady locations in your home. You will learn new things about your plants' substrate and nutrient preferences and how to recognize when there is too much or too little of certain elements. The outline of watering preferences explains why not all water is the same and that less usually means more. Finally, we show you how to use simple drainage to prevent your plants from getting wet feet against their will.


After an excursus on methods and the best time to propagate plants, we look at the practical aspects of planters and container covers. In this context, we will cover techniques for plant arrangements on furniture, in hanging baskets or on the floor. Using specific case studies, we explain what effect you can achieve with which plants in various rooms. The appendix contains a detailed overview of the water, substrate and nutrient requirements of around 100 indoor plant species.

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